Lending a Hand in Time of Need
Putting people first has always been the credit union difference and the MTC Federal way. The MTC Federal Foundation serves to assist the needs of our communities in South Carolina, Alabama and Oklahoma with funding resources benefiting Community Charities, Education, Disaster Relief and Recycling Initiatives.
The Foundation announced it has released grants totaling $10,000 for 2018 hurricane disaster relief. A grant of $5,000 was issued to the league of Southeastern Credit Unions to cover communities in southern Alabama and a second grant of $5,000 was issued to Central Carolina Community Foundation for relief in the Midlands of South Carolina.
It is our belief that serving our communities through a cooperative spirit benefits our members, communities and the credit union movement. As a partner in philanthropy, we know that by building on the values that define our membership, we amplify the efforts of all.
For more information about the MTC Federal Foundation contact us or call 800/442-7792.