MTC Federal 5th Annual Food Drive
November 15 - December 15, 2018

Be A Blessing And Do It On Purpose
MTC Federal Credit Union’s “Be A Blessing, Do It on Purpose” Community Food Drive will be held from November 15 – December 15, 2018.
At MTC Federal we believe that we have a responsibility to make a difference. Hosting this year’s food drive is just another way MTC Federal can give back to the communities we serve in Alabama, Oklahoma and South Carolina.
In addition to canned food donations, the community and members of MTC Federal can make monetary donations at any MTC Federal Credit Union branch.
Learn more about the organizations that will benefit from the 2018 Food Drive:
ALABAMA: Wiregrass Area United Way Food Bank
The Wiregrass Area Food Bank is a non-profit hunger relief charity that solicits and collects donated food. The Food Bank distributes this food to agencies feeding the needy in a six-county service area that includes Houston, Henry, Dale, Geneva, Barbour, and Coffee counties in Alabama.
OKLAHOMA: The Community Children’s Shelter and Family Service Center
The Community Children’s Shelter and Family Service Center, is a 24-hour, temporary residential safe place for up to twelve children from birth through 18 years of age who are at risk and need refuge due to neglect, abandonment, abuse or are in need of supervision. Additionally, they provide outpatient mental health services and are the only Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) provider in southern Oklahoma. “Children can show up at all hours of the day. Our average stay is 14 days,” states Executive Director. “With the support of the Ardmore community and partners like MTC Federal Credit Union we’re able to provide them with three warm meals and snacks throughout their stay.” The food drive also benefits their community pantry which helps families struggling with food insecurity.
SOUTH CAROLINA: Harvest Hope Food Bank
The mission of Harvest Hope Food Bank is to provide for the needs of hungry people by gathering and sharing quality food with dignity, compassion and education.
Harvest Hope began in 1981 as the result of a shared vision of business leaders and the faith community who set out to provide for the hungry in Columbia. Since then Harvest Hope has increased its mission to feed the hungry across 20 counties of South Carolina. Harvest Hope distributed over 27.5 million meals last year and fed approximately 48,000 people a week.
From our simple beginnings, Harvest Hope has continued to increase the scope of its operations and now provides food, comfort and hope to hungry individuals and families in the Midlands, Pee Dee and Greater Greenville regions of South Carolina.
Follow MTC Federal Credit Union’s “Be A Blessing And Do It On Purpose” Food Drive Event on Facebook @MtcFederalCreditUnion.
Items for Donations Include:
- Canned Vegetables
- Canned Meats
- Dry Goods (Box Dinners, Cereal, Pasta, Etc.)
- Peanut Butter & Jelly
- Plastic / Paper Bags
- Condiments (Ketchup, Mustard, Ranch, Etc.)
- Freezer Bags (Quart & Gallon)
In 2017 MTC Federal collected over 900+ canned food items and donated $3,660.71 to local food banks.